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The carbon footprint opens up international opportunities

🎬 François Lamotte, Associate Director at Altios France


Can you introduce yourself and your activity?

I am François Lamotte, Managing Partner at Altios France. Altios is an international consulting and support company for SMEs and ETIs, created some 30 years ago and present in 22 countries with some 30 offices. To date, we have assisted approximately 8,000 clients worldwide.

Since when and for which occasions do you carry out carbon assessments?

This is our first Altios France carbon footprint. We are in the process of carrying out a carbon assessment on our three offices in Paris, Nantes and Lyon. The goal is to become a GCI expert and to be able to deliver and support Altios clients in their own company's carbon footprint. 

How is the carbon footprint useful for a company on an international scale?

Decarbonization is a very important issue at the level of a company, but even more so at the international level, since it involves more subsidiaries, more employees and more suppliers. Today we talk a lot about decarbonation export or decarbonate export.

Today, this is an issue on which a manager must position himself. All the more so since legislation forces or encourages them to do so. 

Why did you choose the GCI platform?

We chose the GCI platform because it is a reference on the market, it is a reference of the Ademe. It allows us to do the scope 1, the scope 2 and the scope 3.

It reconciles, I think, something important, both the digital and the human. Because we are accompanied. There is training and a hotline. Today, there are many offers on the market but this is the one we have chosen.

What would you say to an internationally active entrepreneur to convince him or her to do a carbon assessment of their company?

I will tell him that it is an emergency. It is a climate and business emergency, a citizen and economic emergency. If he doesn't do it, he will certainly be caught up tomorrow by carbon taxes, so that's the first thing, not doing it is a risk.

The opportunity that this represents for him is important internationally: to be able to benefit from international calls for tender that require decarbonization, to be able to choose partners who will require their service providers (whether distributors, agents, partners ...) to decarbonize, to benefit from financing called impact financing which is increasingly important today and therefore bonus on financing that tomorrow will be important for companies that have made this approach.

The last important point is to give meaning and God is if we need it today with more motivated employees, more loyal so its employer brand will also benefit.

To find out more, discover the specifics of carbon footprinting for associations, why SMEs should also carry out a carbon footprint, CO2 emissions in the secondary sector, and the role of suppliers in reducing CO2 emissions.

Carry out your company's GHG assessment with the GCI platform
