Global Climate Initiatives technology

A unique solution on the market that allows you not only to retrieve and calculate all your GHG emissions and integrate those of your suppliers but also to draw up your GHG report and implement your decarbonization strategy.

Technological features of the GCI platform

The GCI platform is a LAMP web stack , i.e. Linux Apache mysql and PHP. It was developed based on the Laravel framework, which is a market leading industry standard framework. It uses mysql technology for relational databases.

For the entire front end we use React which is the front end framework developed by Facebook and which is currently the leading solution in the industry. Thus, we were able to develop quality APIs and offer our users a fluid and ergonomic service interface.

The added value from this technology

The range of technology used to develop the GCI platform can currently be contained in a docker which enables us to seamlessly move our solution between platforms and between hosting solutions. This means we can swiftly adapt to the constraints and requirements of all kinds of businesses, whatever their size and whatever country they are located in.


A smart platform

The GCI app relies on crowdsourcing, that is, on shared knowledge.

In practice, GCI users can personalise their questionnaire, based on their own sector. In addition, goods and services suppliers will be able to create their own emission factors by work unit.

All users can calculate their own composite emission factors for the products or services they supply. They can also calculate their Product Carbon Footprint, (based on the Life Cycle Analysis methodology). Results are then shareable, and usable by all platform customers.

The emission factor database is shared. As a result, everyone benefits from it, and can replace the very average and insignificant default emission factors of the reference bases with the real emission factors of their suppliers. This de facto improves its own carbon competitiveness.

A constantly developing digital tool

The continuing improvement of our user interface is one of our priorities, to offer you an intuitive experience and make your decarbonisation strategy easier.

We are developing an API accessible to external third party application developers so they can integrate GCI in their own apps.