Reduce and manage the carbon footprint of your company

After the assessment, it's time to take action to engage your organization in a plan to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. The GCI platform provides you with tools and advice on best practices to reduce your business' carbon footprint.

Action plan
Iconic carbon inventory measurement

Take action for the energy transition of your company.

Certified GHG inventory icon

Tools and advice to build and automatically generate your action and reduction plan and monitor it over time.

Follow and measure your actions and the savings your company is making over time.

Budget Icon

Ask a GCI expert for help supporting you in your reduction plan.

How to initiate your carbon reduction plan with GCI?

In view of this GHG balance, several reduction actions will be proposed, in order of priority, and will allow the company to succeed in its low-carbon strategy.


The GCI simulator offers you targeted actions to reduce your GHG emissions.


The actions defined by your company are integrated directly into your forecast GHG inventory.


Define and manage your low-carbon trajectory.

Carbon reduction



Definition and planning a decarbonisation strategy

The GCI platform offers the company complete services to carry out its GHG inventory® and calculate its own composite emission factors, or by work unit, thus highlighting its carbon competitiveness©.


Identification of areas for improvement (comparative analyses, uncertainty calculations, benchmark, waterfall diagrams, etc.).


Simulation of the potential impacts of reduction actions to make the right decisions.


Monitoring of its SBT (Science Base Target) or SNBC (National Low Carbon Strategy) strategy.

Automatic integration of your action plan in your GHG report

We identify your main levers for improvement to implement an effective and realistic low-carbon strategy.


Search for emission factors in all reference databases (Base Carbone®, Impacts, EcoInvent, Inies, Beis-Defra,...) and those of your suppliers.


Import of mass data via Excel sheet templates (consumption, travel, transport, waste) enabling accounting by scope in particular.


Simulation of reduction action plans and quantification of the impact of associated actions.


Multi-user, Multilingual, centralization and supervision of data.

Carbon reduction action plan
GCI Experts

The choice to be accompanied, or not, by a GCI Expert

We can support you in your implementation of a low carbon action plan, and put you in contact with our network of accredited experts, specialists in your sector (energy, purchasing, digital, transport, service industry, circular economy etc).


Take action in the energy transition by implementing

Simple eco-gestures in YOUR organization

Tertiary companies

Green habits for third sector and service industries


Green habits for goods transport

Industrial sites

Green habits for industrial or commercial sites


Green habits for your events

More information on the Carbon Inventory.

We answer your questions!

How can I reduce my company's carbon footprint?

Reducing the carbon footprint of your business is a multi-step process:

  • Carry out an initial assessment of your carbon footprint.
  • Identify the most important emission headings, and find ways to reduce them by improving the accuracy of the data used for measurement.
  • Involve your suppliers by asking them to calculate the carbon footprint of the goods and services they supply. The measurement will be all the more accurate and you will then be able to implement a responsible purchasing strategy.
  • Set up an action plan and a measurement strategy over time to ensure that it is implemented and effective.
Can I do my company's carbon reduction plan alone or with a GCI expert?

Both are possible on the GCI platform.

The tools offered by GCI are suitable for both novices and experts. We provide you with methodological guides, and comparison and analysis tools that will allow you to implement your carbon reduction plan independently.

If you would like support from an expert, GCI provides you with a catalogue of GCI accredited experts and you can select the expert who meets your location and expertise criteria.

How can I measure the impact of the carbon reduction plan on my organisation?

GCI offers you a simulation tool to identify the relevance of a reduction action and above all to measure the potential gain in terms of GHG emissions.

Action by action, you will be able to define the emission headings affected, and the new estimated activity data. This will allow you to measure the potential gain for your Inventory of each reduction action.

I want to communicate my carbon reduction plan to my team and suppliers

The GCI platform enables you to edit a deliverable of the action plan defined online. You can then pass it on as is to your team and/or suppliers.

How do I contact a GCI expert?

For support in your company's decarbonisation strategy, GCI offers you access to its network of experts. You can choose the one that best suits your needs in terms of location, expertise and sector of activity.

It is possible to contact an expert directly by email from the GCI expert gallery.

You can also contact us, and we will suggest the most appropriate Accredited Expert for your needs.

Is support from a GCI expert included in my carbon inventory?

A support team is available at all times to answer your technical and methodological questions and to guide you in the use of the tools offered by GCI. You can reach us by email through an online contact form and we will answer your questions as soon as possible.

You will also find online video tutorials, methodological guides and FAQs to answer your questions.

However, if you would like support in implementing a decarbonisation strategy, in interpreting your results, etc... our network of GCI accredited experts is at your service. This service is not included in the cost of your carbon inventory.