Décarbon'Achats rates

Involve your suppliers,
Decarbonize your Purchases

The Décarbon'Achats® solution enables :

  • Easily enroll your suppliers by offering them a free calculation of their PCF (Product Carbon Footprint).
  • Significantly improve the quality of your scope 3 data.

Simulate the cost of the Décarbon'Achats® solution

Décarbon'Achats® and Décarbon'AO® services

For your purchasing departments

Choose your license

Total monthly cost :


Choose your license

  • 3 user licenses (including 1 administrator)
  • Access to all functions
  • Query limited to 300 items (PCF or FEMPP)
  • Unlimited number of PCF calculations to ISO 14067

*These prices correspond to a 12-month subscription.
Discounts may apply to multi-year and multi-entity commitments.

Supplier' Connect® and My PCF® services

For your suppliers


  • PCF calculation: Calculate the GHG emission factors of your products and services free of charge online, and display your Carbon Competitiveness®.
  • Dashboard for monitoring supplier requests and keeping other customers informed.
  • Methodologies, pedagogy and tool learning: Documentary library and videos, tutorials, Tool tip, FAQ, Hotline.
  • GCI services: Calculation of your complete GHG footprint and enrolment of your own suppliers for a few hundred to a few thousand euros maximum.

Join hundreds of our customers

to commit to success in your low-carbon strategy.

Why decarbonize your purchasing with GCI?


Free for your suppliers

Suppliers can calculate their PCF free of charge, thus enhancing their Carbon Competitiveness® and facilitating the decarbonization of their customers' purchases.

Fun platform

Fun platform

Calculating PCFs is simple and iterative; the supplier is guided every step of the way by the GCI Academy (online help, Tool Tip, Videos, Tutorials, FAQ, Hot-line).


Total autonomy

You have a dedicated, efficient solution that enables you to gradually introduce Carbon Positive® discrimination in your purchasing, without any software constraints.


Fluid collaboration

Customers and suppliers manage and track their exchanges on the platform, collaborate and share best practices to reduce the supply chain's carbon footprint®.