A network covering all CSR and Sustainable Development professional skills

The GCI Approved Expert's main mission is to present GCI services, to educate his contacts, and to disseminate this best practice to all their subsidiaries, subcontractors and suppliers.

They may also offer, or subcontract within the accredited expert network, support services and consulting for GHG emission reduction, definition and management of a CSR commitment. They may also be contracted to carry out this type of project by another expert or a GCI customer interested in their particular skill set.

Agnès Ruellan

CSR - Food safety

Aloïs Gallet

Climate Actionist

Constantin Wolfrom

Anna Le Faouder

CSR - GHG assessment

Régine Mangeard

Annabelle Prin-Cojan

CSR - Biodiversity - SSE

Astou Diallo

Professional events


Jean-Marie Le Sueur

Consulting CEO

Constantin Wolfrom

Barbara Thocquenne


Régine Mangeard

Bertrand Briaud

B To B Corporate Events

Bertrand Girard

Strategy & Digitalization

Boris Wahl

Sustainable Mobility - Retail

Constantin Wolfrom

Bruno Carlier

Export - Industry - Smart City

Régine Mangeard

Carole Xu

CSR support

Cécile Dahome


Celine Noir

Consulting & SD Project Management

Constantin Wolfrom

Christophe Gamon

Hotel and catering industry

Régine Mangeard

Corinne Grapton

Ecological Lighting

Daniéla Da Silva

Wine industry - Food industry

David Coleman

Sustainable Transportation

Constantin Wolfrom

Driss Azariz

Environment - Climate change

Régine Mangeard

Emmanuel Beaurepaire

Waste management

Ewa Karolewska

Sustainable development consulting

Fabrice Etienvre

Global Affairs - Strategy

Constantin Wolfrom

Fakroudine Akbaraly

Innovation - Coach

Régine Mangeard

Félicien Poncelet

Waste and sludge recovery

Flora Grand

Evaluation - CSR Reporting

Frédéric Lacoste

Waste - Recycling

Constantin Wolfrom

Frédéric Le Roux

Economic development

Régine Mangeard

Gaël Sabbagh

International Development

Guillaume Leveque

Energy efficiency

Hamidou Louakine

Agricultural - Agri-food

Anthony Minniti

Anthony Minniti

Carbon consultant

Régine Mangeard

Jaafar Najidi

Finance - International

Jean-Baptiste Cottenceau

Sustainable Metrics

Jean-Christophe Bajoit

Jean-Christophe Bajoit

Climate Strategy - Innovation

Constantin Wolfrom

Jean-Pascal Wanlin

Chartered Accountant

Régine Mangeard

Jöel Danard

Transport and Urban Logistics

Jokhanan Abraham Toe

Environmental products

Angèle GUITTON<br />

Angèle Guitton

Responsible purchasing

Laurent Minut

Laurent Minut

Events - Environment

Régine Mangeard

Lidia Rahal

Energy - Environment

Maurice Andriamihaja

CSR - Sustainable development

Éric Soulié

Éric Soulié

CSR support

Constantin Wolfrom

Nathalie P-Deslandes

Innovation R&D - CSR Quality

Régine Mangeard

Nathanaël Westphal

CSR & Sustainable Development

Ludivine Hardy

Industry - CSR

Marc Bazenet

Urban Logistics

Gilles Mathelié-Guinlet

CSR - Agroforestry

Régine Mangeard

Pascal Robert

Chartered Accountant



Service & Logistic

Laurent Allari

Laurent Allari

Purchasing and Procurement Solution

Constantin Wolfrom

Pierre-Samuel Guedj

Social Responsibility - SD

Lucas Toledo

Lucas Toledo

CSR - Societal Leadership

Vanessa Logerais

CSR - Societal Leadership

Vincent Niard

SD strategy

Constantin Wolfrom

Vincent Vanel

Eco-Innovation - CSR

Régine Mangeard

Virginie Huré

Supply Chain - Logistics

Xavier Provost

BtoB and BtoC Consulting & Strategy

Yann Chabin

Wine industry - Food industry

Constantin Wolfrom

Thierry Lescuyer

Logistics - Supply Chain

Régine Mangeard

Yves Perret


Jean-Christophe BLIGNY

Jean-Christophe Bligny

Environmental consulting

Romain Brochu

Quality - Environment - CSR

Constantin Wolfrom

Smaël Bouakaz

Real Estate - Carbon

Régine Mangeard

Soledad Montoya

Renewable Energies

Raphaël Feuvre

Raphaël Feuvre

Environment - Safety - Prevention

Eléonore MANDEL

Eléonore Mandel

CSR, social and societal


David Bousso

Accompanying transformations

Anthony Mollé GCI Expert

Anthony Mollé

Employee engagement

Lea Caen GCI Expert

Léa Caen

Social and environmental transformation


Alain Delattre

Digital transformation

Laurent MARCHAL GCI Expert

Laurent Marchal

Sports event - Positive impact

Nicolas Cousin GCI Expert

Nicolas Cousin

Support towards an ecological and digital transition

Georges Boissy

Georges Boissy

Sustainable development - Socio-ecological

Aria BALLOW Expert GCI

Aria Ballow

CSR for VSEs and SMEs

Julien Soufflet GCI Expert

Julien Soufflet

Energy and decarbonation

Wilfrid DE CONTI GCI Expert

Wilfrid de Conti

Ecological transition and CSR

Régine Mangeard

Stéphanie Yobol


Nathalie Paillon GCI Expert

Nathalie Paillon

Responsible purchasing


Omar Belhoucine

GHG inventory

Laurence Allançon GCI Expert

Laurence Allançon

CSR Purchasing


Valérie Blain Jouvelet

Responsible purchasing

Herve Perrin GCI Expert

Hervé Perrin



Mourad Aissiou

Consulting - Tunisia

Lauriane Berthoix

Lauriane Berthoix

CSR Strategy Consultant

Jihène Girault

Jihène Girault

CSR Council

Waqar Ahmad

Waqar Ahmad

GHG calculation - Decarbonization

Pierre-Yves Cayla

Pierre-Yves Cayla

Responsible purchasing

Philippe Bercegol

Overseas tax adviser


Marie Minchin


Kevin Clément GCI Expert

Kevin Clément

Digital Data and Smart Building Solutions

Arthur Hervé GCI Expert

Arthur Hervé

Energy optimization

Vincent Martegoutte GCI Expert

Vincent Martegoutte

Sustainable transformation consulting


Thomas Peladan

Sustainable Development / ESG


Yannick Folliard

CSR & Responsible Digital Consultant


Jérémy Ferrer

Executive Manager 


Odile Rocha

CSR, CSRD and GHG Data Analyst

Thierry Martin GCI Expert

Juan Ramon Crespo Sala

Responsible Purchasing Consultant

Nicolas Faudon

Development - Consulting

Constantin Wolfrom

Nicolas Planchenault

Climate - Energy - Mobility

Régine Mangeard

Nizar Chahid


Sylvain Pouilly

Real Estate - Industrial

Théolène Cerney

Mobilization - Commitment

Thierry Martin GCI Expert

Thierry Martin

Energy transition