To satisfy your customers and stand out from your competitors ... highlight your Carbon Competitiveness®.

Register to calculate the carbon footprint of your products or services for free


The forthcoming introduction of a Carbon Tax Base®, the consequence of recent European decisions on quotas and carbon tax, reinforced by the CSRD and, in France, Decree no. 2022-982 of July 1, 2022, which extends the reporting and reduction of GHG emissions to Scope 3, requires all companies, private and public, of all sizes and activities :

  • Take into account the "carbon weight" of their purchases of products and services, as they represent the greatest potential for reduction (90%!).
  • Immediately start selecting suppliers with the best Carbon Competitiveness® to maintain and improve their own, which has become a selection criterion for their own customers!

In response to the market's new requirement for positive carbon discrimination® in purchasing, which has become essential, GCI has set up a special service enabling all companies, from very small businesses to major corporations, to calculate their carbon footprint online, free of chargethe composite emission factor® of the products and services offered, in full compliance withISO 14 067 (PCF, Product Carbon Footprint).

As a referenced partner of theOBSAR (Observatoire des achats responsables), our solution, patiently built up over the last ten years, is recognized as a complete and proven solution for decarbonizing purchasing, thanks to two essential assets:

  • Deacralization: the ergonomics and pedagogy of the GCI platform enable everyone to take advantage of this collaborative Buyer/Supplier platform in complete autonomy, and to carry out, if desired, their own complete GHG assessment (scopes 1, 2 and 3).
  • Democratization: beyond the free "PCF" calculator, the prices offered (€800/4900) for access to all services guarantee a high ROI for all types and sizes of company.

Everyone will also benefit from the appreciable reduction in their future Carbon Tax Base® thanks to the implementation of this low-carbon trajectory.

Since "one person's upstream carbon is always another's downstream carbon", and since each person is in turn a customer and a supplier, the entire chain of economic players, from multinationals to very small businesses, is concerned.

Win your tenders with your Carbon Competitiveness®.

Work actively with your suppliers to improve their Carbon Competitiveness®.

Easily and accurately measure the GHG emission factors of your products and services to effectively improve them.
Respond serenely and completely to your customers' new CSR and environmental requirements.


STEP 1: Register on the GCI platform

Start by identifying yourself by clicking on : Login to my space. Otherwise, register to the GCI platform:


When you are logged into your account, go to the "My FCP" area located in the vertical menu.


Then click on the "Add" button.

PCF calculation

STEP 2: Calculate your PCF (Product Carbon Footprint, in accordance with ISO 14 067)

Get your emission factor from your own data and the chosen database.


Create a PCF to define the carbon footprint of your good or service according to its life cycle.

Qualify the general information of the PCF: Title, Functional unit, Classification...

List all the components of each stage of the life cycle of your good or service to define its carbon footprint.

STEP 3: Share the results with your customer(s)

GCI provides a truly collaborative Buyer/Supplier platform.

Exchanges between suppliers and customers are made easy, with automatic, customizable e-mail dispatches and reminders, and a monitoring dashboard.


The result of your calculation is automatically shared in the "supplier" emission factors database.


From the vertical menu, click on "My partners" and share the result of your calculation.

Exchange Fourn PCF




Life cycle analysis

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) allows to include in the carbon footprint of the product, all the environmental impacts, from the extraction of the raw materials composing the product, to its treatment at the end of life (landfill, recycling....).

Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)

The sum of GHG emissions and removals in a product system, expressed in CO2 equivalent, and based on a life cycle analysis using the single climate change impact indicator.

PCF du berceau à la porte - Cradle to gate PCF

Partial carbon footprint of the life cycle of an intermediate product, from the acquisition of materials to the time the product leaves the door of the reporting company (e.g., immediately after the product is produced).

PCF du berceau à la tombe - Cradle to grave PCF

Carbon footprint of a product studied, from the acquisition of materials to the end of the product's life.

The functional unit

The main role of the functional unit is to provide a unit of reference to compare two products. It must reflect the function of a product in terms of quantity, quality/performance and duration.

Examples of functional units:

  • Functional unit of a t-shirt: weight 200g / life span of 100 washes
  • Functional unit of a light bulb: to light with a luminosity of 40W during 1000h
  • Functional unit of a car: life span of 150,000 km
  • Functional unit of a pen: writing on a distance of 100 km
  • Functional unit of an IT service: man/day
Product system

A set of unitary processes with elementary flows fulfilling one or more defined functions and which model the life cycle of a product.

Product Category Rules (PCR)

In order to make environmental declarations (display) or various communications on the carbon footprint of a product, it must sometimes be calculated according to the PCR (Product Category Rules).

RCPs are defined as a set of specific rules, requirements and guidelines for quantifying and reporting the carbon footprint, or partial carbon footprint, for one or more product categories.