Home " How do I calculate my GHG footprint? " A low-carbon trajectory: essential to your company's survival

A Low-Carbon trajectory: a must for the company's survival

Faced with the urgent need to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 as set out in the Paris Agreement, regulations are constantly evolving. By the end of 2022, a carbon footprint will be required for companies with more than 250 employees, and scope 3 will be mandatory for companies with more than 500 employees. 

Today, for a company to grow, its products and services must be not only desirable, accessible and reliable but also sustainable. A company that waits for obligations puts itself in danger, whereas a low-carbon trajectory is an asset for improving its performance. 

Global Climate Initiatives (GCI), a pioneer in 100% digital carbon assessment since 2012, has understood this with its simple, self-learning, regulatory-compliant and accessible platform. As of June 28, GCI is launching its guide for businesses.

For a successful collective low-carbon path

The transition to low-carbon energy and production is now essential. By reducing its environmental impact, the company acts not only to protect the planet, but also to defend its own interests and those of the actors with whom it interacts. 

We cannot reduce our carbon footprint without involving our ecosystem. 50 to 80% of GHG emissions are linked to purchasing. Although purchasing departments are committed to reducing their carbon footprint, three quarters of them do not know the carbon weight of their purchases and 77% do not measure that of their suppliers*. As each is the supplier or customer of the other, it is absolutely necessary for a company, whatever its size and obligations, to carry out a complete assessment that includes Scope 3, and thus enter into a collective low-carbon trajectory.

"The Upstream Carbon of one, is always the Downstream Carbon of the other," explains Philippe Mangeard, president and founder of GCI. "The customer-supplier chain directly and indirectly links all companies together, from large global groups to very small businesses. The trickle-down effect of this new consideration is therefore guaranteed!" he continues.

* AgileBuyer / CNA Study

GCI Guide: Carbon footprinting at the heart of sustainable business strategy

Starting June 28, GCI will offer a free downloadable guide on its website, which will also be sent to a network of 15,000 companies . Entitled " How to perpetuate and strengthen your company through a successful Low-Carbon trajectory" this guide has 3 objectives:


      • to explain in simple terms what a low-carbon assessment and strategy for companies is all about.

      • demonstrate that, in addition to enhancing its image, the trajectory towards the carbon neutrality is for a company an opportunity for development of its performance :
        • economic: eliminating unprofitable activities, optimizing management, selling new products or services, transforming the business model...
        • commercial: differentiate, innovate, meet the expectations of younger generations


            • financial: create value, anticipate the time needed to reduce potential future taxes, perpetuate its model


          • present concrete examples of companies that have used the GCI platform to transform themselves

        Find the GCI Guide at: https: //share.hsforms.com/1JOFVXXT3QWK3nx7VoAVf1Q3fijs

        GCI Platform: A 100% digital performance lever

        This accessible full-web solution, offered by GCI since 2012, was developed by a team of visionary entrepreneurs and scientists, co-editor of the AFNOR SPEC X43-072, and expert contributor to the Ademe for the drafting of the ISO 14083 standard on GHG performance. Its vocation is to offer all types of organizations, private or public, of all sectors and sizes, online tools and services to identify, calculate, reduce and offset their carbon footprint, in full compliance with international texts, standards and norms (ISO I14064-1, GHG Protocol, Bilan Carbone, Grenelle II Law).

        A platform with unique assets


            • Simplicity for complete autonomy: thanks to simple, intuitive online tools for mastering the use of the platform. 


              • Single or multi-user and multi-language: A single user can perform GHG emissions calculations for all or part of his entities, activities and subsidiaries, over one or more years in a retroactive manner. Several users can share the same account and each one can work on their own area of expertise or information to answer the part of the questionnaire that concerns them. The platform is in French, English and Spanish.


                • Tools to help with calculation accuracy and performance improvement: the platform offers a wide choice of recognized emission factor bases (Base Carbone, EcoInvent, Defra, Inies, Impacts, etc.), as well as "consolidation", "benchmark" and "trajectory" tools to simplify the development and monitoring of reduction commitments and the comparison of performance and progress. It is also possible to integrate the emission factors of its service providers (work units).


                  • A network of more than 80 GCI experts around the world: specialists in carbon economy, sustainable mobility, energy, insulation, choice of materials, process reorganization, innovation strategies, etc., GCI experts help companies disseminate best practices to meet climate change challenges, and support them in implementing their carbon offset projects in line with their Sustainable Development Goals


                    • A complete report and a reduction action plan: complies with the regulations. Once completed, this Carbon Footprint Assessment will offer a scenario for reducing its footprint with priority tracks for each of the emission items and tools to implement it.


                      • An extremely competitive price : the 100% digitization of the process makes the assessment very accessible: 500 to 1000 euros for VSEs and SMEs and 1000 to 2000 euros for ETIs and large groups.

                    More than 2000 people use the GCI platform: Aperam, FIA, Derichebourg, BpiFrance, LCL, Altios international, BRGM, Hopscotch, ASO, Engage, Bouygues...

                    GCI customer LOGO

                    LCL has chosen GCI as a partner partner for its LCL Smart green Business program.

                    "It's a simple, certified and inexpensive solution that the client can send himself to a specialized platform, with access to assistance if necessary. GCI democratizes the carbon assessment process, particularly for SMEs or groups with many sites or subsidiaries," explains Olivier Nicolas, head of LCL's Corporate Banking division.

                    Carry out your company's GHG assessment with the GCI platform
