Take action after your carbon footprint®!

Commit your organization to a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The GCI platform offers you powerful tools and expert advice to adopt best practices and effectively reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Customized action plans
  • Expert support
  • Access to the best databases and resources
GHG inventory

Accentuate your reduction trajectory by enlisting your suppliers


Quantify the precise impact of a reduction action by emission item

Define your SBTi trajectories and Scope 3 scenarios based on your GHG balances.

Take advantage of a GCI carbon expert to draw up your personalized reduction plan

How can I define my
decarbonisation trajectory with GCI?

The companies most committed to their decarbonization
decarbonization strategy rely on our expertise.

customer case

FFBad accelerates its sustainable transition with GCI

Benjamin GRIZBEC, Bad & Handicap/Eco-responsibility Project Manager at FFBad, underlines the importance of this partnership with GCI in assessing the carbon footprint of the federation's activities.

"We want to respond to ministerial requirements and guidelines by promoting a more responsible approach to sport, by raising awareness among our members and the general public".

GCI: Expertise to guide you towards a Low-Carbon Trajectory

Our carbon engineers, specialized in supporting companies, have mastered the ABC Bilan Carbone® level 2 method, as well as methodologies such as ADEME's "Act Pas à Pas".

They actively participate in various working groups, notably within the ABC and APCC, where they regularly exchange views on new methods, tools and regulations.


Contact us

If you would like support or more information, get in touch