The carbon footprint is an extra-financial indicator for business leaders
🎬 Interview with Benoit Desveaux, co-founder of Hopscotch Group.
Can you introduce yourself and your activity?
I am Benoit Desveaux, one of the founders of the Hopscotch Group, a communication group managed by its shareholders. We built this group by integrating all the professions of public relations, event management and digital. Our mission is to build and preserve the relational capital of our customers.
Since when and why are you interested in carbon footprinting?
We became aware of the importance of the carbon footprint about fifteen years ago when we began to question the environmental impact of our business. As we are event organizers, beyond being a consulting agency, events are by nature big consumers of energy and natural resources.
How do your clients react when you offer to do a carbon assessment of their company?
To be honest, there are very few requests. On the other hand, in invitations to tender and in the choice of an agency, the eco-design approach, the consideration of environmental and social issues in the event we can offer, is becoming increasingly important.
What does the carbon footprint contribute to a company's CSR strategy?
The carbon footprint is fundamental to be able to evaluate the CSR strategy. What would be interesting is if this carbon footprint could be comparable between two companies' strategies, even if it was not designed that way. In any case, companies are concerned by this issue because France has made a commitment with its national low carbon strategy to reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Why did you choose the GCI platform?
Today, every carbon assessment is carried out by a consultant. Now, companies will have to provide a carbon footprint of their organization, products and services. So, mathematically, there aren't enough consultants in France to carry out this task. For all these carbon assessments that will have to be carried out, the process had to be industrialized. That's what GCI, experts in Bilan Carbone, are proposing, and it's absolutely fantastic, building on TK'Blue's excellent experience.
What advice do you give to entrepreneurs to convince them to initiate the carbon footprint of their company?
I tell all business leaders that it is necessary to take a close look at greenhouse gas balance sheet. This is part of the extra-financial indicators that are more and more requested by their shareholders, internal and all stakeholders.
On the same subject, see the link between CSR and the Sustainable Development Goals.