" CSR, as our American friends say, is PPP: to protect the planet, the people and the profit). Companies have long understood profit. Now they're beginning to understand the people in terms of health, hygiene and process safety. And they're apprehensive.
I mean, what's planet planet? It's the climate. Global Climate Initiative is a national and international company specializing in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by businesses, communities and individuals. What we need to understand is that it's a collective effort that will bring success. We can't ask humanity to reduce its CO2 emissions by 5%, 10%, 30% or 50% without everyone doing their bit. So we created this platform just over ten years ago. Today, this platform enables anyone, whether an individual, a small business or a large corporation, to simply calculate their carbon footprint and, above all, to reduce it. Carbone is a fairly simple economy. It's a matter of calculating emission factors by quantities.
So, to reduce your carbon footprint, you can either choose to reduce the quantity, drive fewer kilometers, consume less material, or choose a lower emission factor. Green energy versus carbon energy. Recycled wood versus natural wood, recycled cotton carpet versus synthetic carpet, and so on and so forth. So there you have it: the cornerstones of a low-carbon strategy are very simple: quantity and quality. Then there's accounting. Why do we use the word carbon footprint that we now call geo footprint? Because it's exactly like accounting. A company's carbon footprint, its composite carbon footprint, the efforts made or not made to reduce it. So we're going to account for our travel, we're going to account for our purchases when we use a little bit of everything that's going on. We'll obtain a result. This result will be standardized on 23 very interesting regulatory items. And it's not just documentation.
That'll give you a quick overview of possible reduction paths. First, you'll take the big ones. The famous 80-20 rule. It even exists in the carbon balance sheet. Thanks to the Global Climate Initiative's IT tools, you'll have online advice on how to reduce your emissions. Thanks to GSI's network of accredited experts around the world and in France, you'll have access to local, human-scale advice to help you reduce your carbon footprint. But let's be clear: you won't be able to do anything unless you become the carbon footprint promoter in your ecosystem. Because when you look at your carbon footprint, you'll see that 40% to 90% of it depends on your suppliers. Of course, when you buy a piece of carpet, when you buy a bag of cement, when you buy a service, you pay the price of the service or the product, but you import the carbon weight. So if you want to lower your carbon footprint, you're going to ask all your suppliers to lower theirs. And the first step to lowering your carbon footprint? It's like losing weight.
The first step when you want to lose weight is to buy a scale. So we're going to say to our suppliers, do your carbon assessment, look like me at the areas where you can reduce and come back to me with a reduction plan, an action plan and an emission factor. It's a bit technical per unit of work, which in turn will enable me to reduce my carbon footprint. So, overall, we never do our carbon footprint because we have to. You do it because you believe in it. You never do your carbon footprint alone. You involve your employees, associates and agents. Everyone. Externally, you involve your partners and suppliers, and you're transparent. Remember that for 99% of companies, this is a voluntary act. When you do something voluntarily, you're not cheating. So we do a real Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 carbon footprint. We take an interest, we share, we measure and we progress.