Home " Carbon footprint " Expertise " GCI, a pioneer in 100% digital carbon assessment since 2012


GCI, a pioneer in 100% digital carbon assessment since 2012

Carrying out a Bilan GES, accompanied by Bilan Carbone consulting services, involves quantifying an organization's greenhouse gas emissions. Such an assessment enables a company, local authority or any other organization to obtain an accurate evaluation of its direct emissions or those induced by its activity, so as to be able to design and implement a plan to reduce its emissions.

This initiative is fully in line with the indispensable dynamics of an ecological transition geared towards low-carbon and decarbonized energies, and of permanent improvement of energy efficiencý instilled by the Paris Agreement.

What does this international agreement entail? In order to combat global warming, which is becoming increasingly acute, the agreement calls for carbon neutrality to be achieved by 2050. To achieve this ambitious goal, France has subsequently published a roadmap for all public and private organizations, indicating that a reduction in emissions by all is urgently required.

A reduction of CO2 emissions implies first of all an accounting of these emissions. The greenhouse gas balance is the tool used to achieve a complete and compliant accounting of an organization's emissions.

If ADEME was ahead of the game with the creation of its Carbon Footprint in 2004 and the realization of a greenhouse gas assessment on an excel file, there are now platforms just as complete but more accessible for non-professionals in the field.

The GCI platform enables you to carry out your GHG assessment, covering the 3 scopes of direct and indirect emissions, either on your own or with the help of a carbon assessment expert.

Carbon footprint = management tool

The fight against global warming is obviously an objective for many companies. However, the realization of a GHG assessment is also an essential strategic management tool to improve the economic and societal performance of a company.

Calculating the carbon footprint of your company means you can :


      • To give credibility and value to a CSR approach;

      • Anticipate stakeholder demands;

      • Obtaining cost-saving levers;

      • Optimize your business model;

      • Innovate in its process or its productions;

      • Differentiate yourself in the market;

      • Retain your employees;

      • Meet the regulations.

    The benefits of a greenhouse gas assessment outweigh the disadvantages. Minimizing emissions for the climate is not only beneficial for the environment but also for the company. The carbon neutrality imposed by the Paris Agreement becomes an advantage for companies that can make significant savings and invest these savings in the development of their organization.

    GCI, a 100% digital carbon assessment platform since 2012

    Within the framework of the fight against climate change, the carbon assessment has become increasingly popular. If before the Paris Agreement there were few service providers who could perform such an assessment, they are much more numerous today.

    A complete greenhouse gas balance sheet is generally produced in the format established by ADEME in 2004, i.e. an Excel file. However, this format makes the reporting process complicated, and only specialized people who have received training in the use of the tool are able to carry out a complete balance sheet using a spreadsheet.

    Over the years and with the issue of ecology becoming more and more integrated into the mores, several calculators have been developed on the market and even more so in recent months. Global Climate Initiatives (GCI) is the pioneer of this offer.

    Since 2012, the GCI service platform has been offering private and public companies, organizations and local authorities of all types and sizes, online tools and services to identify, calculate and reduce their carbon footprint, in full compliance with international texts, guidelines, standards and norms. The methodology used is based on the analysis and the permanent challenge of the various existing works whose relevance is recognized to date, such as Base Carbone®, CE DELFT, Shift project, ADEME, ISO, the national accounts of transport, etc.

    A complete, accurate, easy to perform, compliant and accessible online assessment

    The GCI calculator allows you to obtain an exhaustive GHG assessment on the three scopes and concerning the following 7 regulatory emission items: Travel, Materials and Services, Energy, Refrigerants, Water consumption, and Waste.

    It also estimates the impact of your activity on the climate at any given moment in the form of targeted reporting on the main emission items of your sector's activities.

    The 100% digital calculator, with its proven ergonomics and pedagogy, allows users with no particular knowledge of carbon accounting to be autonomous in a few hours and to use it 24/7.

    Once the emissions have been gathered according to the regulatory items, it is easy to identify the levers of action to reduce emissions. The platform will help you define your low-carbon strategy through reduction solutions.

    Reductions can be of multiple kinds depending on the business sector. The reduction can for example apply to a change of energy. Indeed, a decarbonated energy such as a renewable or nuclear energy is to be preferred compared to a fossil energy.

    Once the reduction has been made, voluntary compensation can also be applied. This consists of investing in carbon credits in a company that promotes reforestation or the development of alternative energies.

    The GCI platform, a unique ergonomics

    The calculator proposes, in a first phase, the choice of a generic questionnaire in accordance with your sector of activity. About twenty templates are currently available (offices, factories, freight, events, ...). Each user will then be able to customize it and quantify the GHG emissions of his company by simply rolling out questions targeted to his activity.

    The result of the assessment is expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e). It is communicated by regulatory item and by scope and thus makes it possible to follow the overall evolution of emissions but also in a more targeted way.

    Thus a user will be able to easily visualize if he needs to reduce his energy consumption or simply to use renewable or decarbonized energies such as nuclear. The actions he takes can be integrated into the platform to visualize them over time and quantify them.

    A low-carbon strategy can be set up and visualized. Carbon neutrality can then be determined according to the objectives of each organization.

    A communication platform

    The GHG report is a strong communication tool. GCI encourages companies to communicate with their stakeholders, internal teams, as well as on the company's website and social networks. To do this, GCI provides a report that is documented, valuable and easy to distribute.

    Calls for tenders are increasingly asking for the carbon footprint of companies. The carbon criterion has become important in the choice of a partner as it is a new strong commercial argument.

    Assistance in developing a decarbonation and contribution/offsetting strategy

    The platform also provides tools to develop and implement action plans to reduce emissions, as well as contribution/offset programs.

    The autonomy thus achieved with the GCI tools makes it possible to optimize the consulting resources needed to implement the decarbonization strategy in the company.

    If carrying out a GHG assessment proves to be a little too complex, particularly in the first year, the GCI platform has referenced GCI experts in the field who will help you to disseminate good practices to take into account climate issues. To start your carbon footprint, accessible, simple, 100% online, complete and compliant with the regulations, ask for a demonstration.

    Carry out your company's carbon inventory with the CGI platform

    Carbon offset projects