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The specificities and intelligence of GCI technology

🎬 Interview with Louis Gac, junior CTO of Global Climate Initiatives

Can you introduce yourself and your activity for GCI?

Hello, I'm Louis, I'm a PHP developer since the early 2000's which gives me an expertise not only in these languages but also in all the evolution of the web world since the very beginning of ICT adventures.

I'm a Junior CTO at GCI, a player in the greentech sector. I work with the Global CTO to supervise our team of developers. At GCI, we have a team of developers made up of experts in their respective fields. So I'm in charge of supervising these teams, taking part in development and making decisions about strategic technological developments.

What are the technological specificities of the GCI platform?

The GCI platform is a LAMP web application, i.e. Linux Apache Mysql and Php. It was developed on the basis of the Laravel framework, which is one of the leading frameworks on the market, an industry standard. It uses mysql technology for relational databases.

For the front end we use React which is the font end framework developed by Facebook and is currently the leading solution in the industry. It allows us to develop a quality API and give users an ergonomic experience.

What is the added value of this technology?

Currently, all the technologies used to develop the GCI platform can be contained within docker, which allows us to easily move our solution from one platform to another, from one hosting solution to another, which allows us to adapt to the constraints of all types of companies, whether they are small or large and in any country.

Can we talk about an intelligent platform?

It can be said that the GCI application relies heavily on crowdsourcing, i.e. on the sharing of knowledge.

In concrete terms, GCI users will be able to customize their questionnaires by creating personalized questionnaires. These customized questionnaires will be able to become sector-specific questionnaire masks. Beyond that, goods suppliers will be able to create their own emission factors per unit of work.

Users also have opportunities to make composite emissions factors. All these additions that are made are then shareable, can be put in community, usable by all the users of the platform, so with each iteration, the more people use the GCI solution, the more customized questionnaires we will have, customized composite emission factors, and the more we will have a complete database that is close to the reality of the activity of our different customers.

What is the next project you will work on?

For the near future for GCI, there are two major challenges.

The first is to continuously improve the user interface. We already have an interface that is very intuitive, but it must be constantly improved to be as close as possible to the needs of users.

The second thing is more for developers, we're developing an API that is accessible to third-party application developers so that they can integrate GCI into their own applications. So we're working a lot on that right now to have a documented API that's easy to use for external developers.

What would you say to a contractor to make them choose the GCI platform?

GCI is an absolutely unique solution on the market. Thanks to its unique method, it enables you not only to recover and calculate all your carbon emissions, but also to draw up your carbon balance sheet and implement your strategy for reducing your greenhouse gas emissions and improving your energy efficiency, as well as reassuring investors.

Carry out your company's GHG assessment with the GCI platform
