Home " Committing to a decarbonization strategy? " Carbon footprint, a review of the regulations in 2022

Carbon footprint, an update on the regulations in 2022

🎬 Interview with Philippe Mangeard, President of Global Climate Initiatives


For all companies with more than 50 employees, 250 employees?

Precisely, the law requires companies with more than 50 employees to simply make their scope 1 assessment, i.e. the most uninteresting part of the assessment, the one that only concerns direct energy consumption: diesel, gasoline, wood, coal, it means very little, less than 10% for most companies of their carbon footprint. What is most interesting in a carbon footprint is scope 2, the energy that we buy: electricity, heating, cooling, but especially scope 3.

The scope 3scope 3, which includes all the carbon that I import from suppliers through my purchases and the carbon that I generate through my products sold. This is 80% of my carbon footprint. Today, if the law only requires Scope 1, it's useless. So we tell companies that they must turn this constraint into benefits!

In order to meet this obligation, to make their complete scope 1, scope 2, scope 3 assessment and thus take full advantage of the economic and good management benefits of a complete and well done carbon assessment.

Companies with more than 250 employees are the first to be required to carry out a carbon footprint (all carbon footprint scopes) by December 31, 2022.

Companies with more than 50 employees have a grace period until December 31, 2023.

For ETIs, large companies and local authorities?

All companies with more than 500 employees, and all local authorities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, are obliged to carry out a regulatory GHG assessment (carbon footprint) at least once every three years for local authorities, and at least once every four years for large companies.

We can see that they are becoming our first customers, because they have clearly understood that with easy access to the carbon footprint methodology via our platform, they can carry out these footprints on their own and no longer have to go through consultants, which means lower costs, shorter deadlines and, above all, improved productivity of the carbon footprint they will be able to carry out every year. Find out more about financial assistance for your carbon audit.

To find out more :

Carry out your company's GHG assessment with the GCI platform
