Home " Carbon footprint " Doing your carbon footprint " What are the benefits of carrying out your Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment (GHGEA) on a quality online platform?

What are the benefits of carrying out a Greenhouse Gas Emission Assessment (GHGEA) on a quality online platform?

At a time when the future carbon tax base is becoming increasingly clear (quotas, import carbon tax, etc.) and the scale of the additional costs it will represent for businesses, companies are also faced with a growing number of new legal and commercial constraints that require them to better control and manage their GHG emissions.

Presented by the European Commission in July 2021, the European Green Pact, which aims to reduce the European Union's GHG emissions by 55% by 2030, logically schedules an acceleration in the rise in the price of Carbon, already strong since 2015

Companies that want to remain competitive and ensure their long-term survival must therefore adopt a strategy to reduce their emissions without delay and give themselves the means to manage it on a daily basis.

The calculation method of the BEGES, commonly called "GHG inventory®".

To support them in their low-carbon approach and to carry out this BEGES, many service offers, from consultants or online, have been developed for public and private companies.

The GHG inventory®is the documented result of a calculation method developed by ADEME and inspired by the GHG Protocol, which takes into account all the GHG emissions generated by a company's activities. The GHG inventory® accounts for all direct and indirect emissions, from research and development to the manufacture of the final product, its distribution to stores and its final destruction.

The " GHG inventory® " software

The range of onlinecarbon footprint calculation tools on the market is very attractive, as it means that companies are no longer dependent on the lead times, costs, latency and temporality of traditional consultants. What's more, traditional consultants have realized that they need to focus on supporting organizations in their transition, and no longer penalize them for taking into account their carbon data in real time, in order to improve them interactively.

However, this "online" offer, which has been very rich over the past two years, seems to have little differentiation and is very "marketing" oriented .... and is often misleading.

Only one tool is recommended by the public authorities for carrying out the GHG inventory®, and that's the Bilan Carbone © software proposed by the ABC association and sponsored by ADEME (Agence de la Transition écologique). Find out more about Bilan Carbone v7.

Other solutions rely surprisingly on the credibility of recognized NGOs, which are not, however, in the business or the competence, and which very often do not respect the GHG Protocol, and even less the GHG inventory® method, which is the only authentic method in France.

These full-web solutions are very simple, if not simplistic, and do not enable us to carry out a complete, certified assessment but, at best, an initial estimate of GHG emissions. However, they do have the advantage of being free and easy to use, and of providing an order of magnitude of an organization's carbon footprint.

In certain cases, it is also possible toobtain subsidies to carry out your carbon footprint.

The Global Climate Initiatives platform

In a more serious way and in conformity with the texts, the solution thought and improved for more than 10 years by Global Climate Initiatives, guarantees a complete online service, and certified for the calculation of its BEGES.

GCI takes into account, seriously and exhaustively, the GHG emissions of any organization, public or private, whatever its size, and knows how to deliver a BEGES compliant with the GHG inventory® method, but also with the ISO 14 064 or the GHG Protocol for companies outside France.

Thanks to its simple, accurate and educational online measurement tool, GCI makes it possible to measure emissions in a consistent manner and, naturally, to implement effective measures to adapt the organization's activity to the imposed objective of "net zero carbon.

In addition, GCI's national and international network of accredited experts supports companies' "low-carbon approach" through its "vertical" skills (mobility, energy, environment, CSR, transport, events, IT, etc.) and thus helps them improve their carbon competitiveness compared to their competitors.

It should be noted that GCI also takes into account the company's suppliers, responsible for a more than significant share of emissions, by offering them the possibility of calculating, free of charge, the real "carbon weight" of the products and services sold to the company (PCF, Product Carbon Footprint, calculated according to ISO 14 067).

Thus, the purchasing department will be able to add this "Carbon Competitiveness©" to the selection criteria of its calls for tenders, and thus considerably reduce the carbon footprint of its company by choosing more environmentally responsible suppliers.

With efficiency and reliability as its watchwords, GCI has, through its long experience and thousands of users, the most accurate and powerful GHG emissions calculator on the market. It allows companies to carry out their BEGES in complete autonomy, or accompanied if necessary the first year by a GCI carbon expert.

Each user is guided by an ergonomic and user-friendly interface, which allows him to collect and calculate carbon emission data of activities in a precise way to facilitate the analysis and to organize consequently an action plan of reduction as effective as possible

GCI's complete, certified Carbon Footprint, at the most competitive cost on the market, is the key tool for companies to effectively guide their low-carbon strategy and place their organization on a sustainable economic path to reduce their GHG emissions and enhance their Carbon Competitiveness ©.

So, while the range of 100% online GHG emissions measurement tools has broadened considerably over the last 30 months, no other platform for carrying out your carbon footprint is as rich as GCI in the fruits of over 10 years' experience and satisfied requirements of leading national and international companies.

GCI is here to drive or continue your company's low-carbon transition and improve your Carbon Competitiveness© on a daily basis... at the best cost!

Carry out your company's carbon inventory with the CGI platform

Carbon offset projects