The GHG balance also means reducing as much as possible and offsetting seriously

Carbon neutrality by 2050, as defined by the Paris Agreement, will only be possible if we all act now.
Taking action means identifying, accounting for and then reducing the greenhouse gases we emit on a daily basis, and which we can deal with at source. In this way, every organization can implement its own low-carbon strategy.
In the final stage, carbon offsetting enables us to compensate for the residual, incompressible share of greenhouse gas emissions: that which we cannot or do not yet know how to reduce satisfactorily. It is therefore necessary to select field projects, both environmental and social, that provide all the guarantees expected, both from the point of view of CO2 sequestration or the reduction of emissions from an existing process (substitution of renewable energies for fossil fuels), and the impact in terms of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN since 2015). Corporate carbon offsetting is part of a low-carbon trajectory.
Carrying out a greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment with the GCI platform enables organizations to carry out these steps: identify, measure, reduce and offset/contribute. It thus supports organizations in their energy transition with low-carbon solutions and helps combat global warming.
The stages of a GHG assessment
In other articles, we explain in detail what a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Balance is, as well as its stakes and objectives. It enables each company to commit to environmental objectives in line with those set by the authorities.
Climate action includes three steps:
- Calculate your carbon footprint: carry out an annual or ad hoc assessment of your emissions and find out how they are changing,
- Reducing carbon emissions: there are a number of actions you can take to improve your carbon footprint,
- Carbon offsetting: only comes into play in the final stage, for emissions that could not be avoided, the residual emissions.
Carrying out a GHG inventory does not stop at measuring a company's greenhouse gas emissions. The reduction and compensation stages are just as important.
Reduce your emissions
An organization's greenhouse gas balance sheet can be used to visualize the major emission hotspots. Once these hot spots have been identified, it is important to reduce them as much as possible and draw up a carbon plan.
Thanks to the categorization of emissions into three scopes (direct emissions, indirect energy emissions and other indirect emissions), it is easy to identify and qualify emission items and determine an action plan to reduce them.
Through simple ecogestures, reorganizations, energy source substitutions, the choice of more eco-responsible suppliers... companies can significantly reduce their impact on the climate and, at the same time, make substantial savings. Reducing your carbon footprint is not only good for the environment, it's also good for your company's future. See the difference between carbon footprint and GHG footprint.
These commitments and actions to reduce emissions can also be taken by anyone wishing to participate in the fight against climate change: responsible consumption, energy saving (reducing heating, air conditioning and electricity, switching energy sources), identifying and reducing waste.
Despite our efforts to reduce emissions, we still produce greenhouse gas emissions that are impossible to eliminate and therefore contribute to accelerating global warming. There is, however, a solution to limit our environmental impact: carbon offsetting, which allows us to absorb the equivalent amount of these residual emissions elsewhere on the planet. Offsetting emissions is the final step towards carbon neutrality for some organizations.
Current regulations go even further with the carbon tax.
Carbon offsetting
Carbon offsetting is based on the principle that certain GHG emissions emitted in one place cannot be avoided (see avoided emissions). By participating in a GHG sequestration or reduction project in another location, such as a developing country, an organization can "offset" the remainder of its emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. The carbon market regulates greenhouse gas emissions.
Voluntary carbon offsetting is a last resort! It is not appropriate to simply calculate and then offset emissions. Reduction remains essential if we want to act effectively for our planet.
So how do you properly perform a carbon offset?
After maximum reduction of a company's greenhouse gases, carbon and GHG sequestration is the answer to achieving carbon neutrality. This involves the long-term storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), or other greenhouse gases, outside the atmosphere, notably in forests or oceans.
Once reductions have been achieved, a company chooses the level of offsetting it requires and purchases certified carbon credits accordingly.
Carbon credit is the unit of measurement used for transactions between a GHG emitting company and an offsetting company.
There is a wide range of offset projects, the best known of which are reforestation projects. There are also other projects such as the conservation of natural environments, renewable energies, energy efficiency, water management and the reduction of residual materials.
This voluntary approach enables companies that seriously measure and reduce their emissions, and choose serious offsetting projects, to become " carbon neutral " and thus neutralize their impact on the climate.
However, it is important to be vigilant; it has sometimes appeared that sums paid for the purchase of carbon credits have not been fully or directly invested in solid, sustainable offset projects. The chosen operator and the offset certificates must be beyond reproach.
Reduce and compensate with the GCI platform
The GCI calculator enables you to obtain an exhaustive GHG balance on the three scopes concerning the following 7 emission items: Travel, Input materials and services, Energy, Refrigerants, Water consumption and Waste.
A 100% digital calculator, its ergonomics and pedagogy enable users to analyze and reduce their emissions, draw up action plans and prepare their carbon footprint.
The platform also provides its users with solid, certified offset programs. The platform gives users the opportunity to participate in reforestation, plantation or ecosystem development projects. Voluntary offsetting not only makes it possible to meet targets set by organizations, but also provides a mechanism for developing new resources.
The autonomy thus achieved thanks to the GCI platform optimizes the consulting resources needed to implement the company's decarbonization strategy, saving time, money and efficiency!