
Why calculate the carbon footprint? Method, costs, benefits.

Why calculate the carbon footprint? Method, costs, benefits.

The carbon footprint is an indicator that measures the impact of an activity on the environment, and in particular the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Every decision made by society has an impact on the climate. That is why it is important to measure these greenhouse gas emissions in order to assess and reduce this impact.

Scope 4, avoided emissions, what are we talking about?

Scope 4, avoided emissions, what are we talking about?

A few years ago, the GHG Protocol raised the idea of a Scope 4, in order to enable the calculation of avoided emissions. Subsequently, various methodologies and international standards have addressed this topic.
This article aims to review the different definitions, methodologies and reporting methods currently available in regulations.

Differences between GHG and Carbon Footprints

Differences between GHG and Carbon Footprints

Any company that is interested in carrying out a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment will have heard two terms: Carbon Footprint and GHG Footprint. Although they have a similar approach, i.e. the accounting of greenhouse gases emitted by an entity or organization for its activities, there are particularities that differentiate them, such as the definition of the scope of accounting of emissions. 

Carry out your company's carbon inventory with the CGI platform

Carbon offset projects